We are strong advocates for people with disabilities and do not charge our consumers for our services.

We work to empower people with disabilities to achieve their goals and lead full, satisfying lives.

Working with our consumers, their family and friends we know that we are all stronger as a team.

Located in Saranac Lake and also serving Lake Placid and Tupper Lake, we are easy to reach. We will even come to you.
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Tri-Lakes Center for
Independent Living
Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living (TLCIL) is a 501c(3) not for profit, non-residential civil rights organization providing a wide range of services to a growing population of people with disabilities. We work to ensure that the rights of people with disabilities are honored and respected, allowing them to live with dignity.
Our consumers range from youth to the elderly, veterans and those with autism, who are deaf or hard of hearing, the blind and those with other visual impairments, those who have suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), stroke, cancer, arthritis, mental illness and physical impairments.
We also work to educate the public about the needs of people with disabilities and the structural accomodations required for businesses to be in compliance with the American’s with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”).
At Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living we enjoy working with our consumers and are strong advocates for people with a variety of disabilities. We provide an array of support services to help them lead full, productive and happy lives.
Please click on the boxes below to be taken to the corresponding section of our Services page to learn more about how we can help you.
More Than 1,300
Consumers Served
Since 2017
100 Consumers Served
in Essex County
in 2021
People We've Helped
PPE and COVID-19 Related Services
Information and Referral Services
Advocacy and Legal Services
Benefits Advisement and Acquisition Assistance
Two Decades of
Advocacy and Support
Years of Service
For over 20 years we have provided access to support services for people with disabilities throughout the Adirondack’s Tri-Lakes (Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and Tupper Lake) region.
Individualized Services
Dedicated Staff
Latest News
Recent posts from Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living staff providing important news and information.
Please click on the post introduction, below, to be taken to the specific page for that post.
You can slide the news from side-to-side to view more articles.
Event Schedule
Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living hosts, sponsors and attends events throughout the region.
Please click on the event introduction, below, to be taken to the specific page for that event.